
Monday, December 16, 2013

Old House in Provo Canyon

Provo Canyon, Utah
October 25, 2013
Nikon D3100: Tamron 18-270 at 55 mm: ISO 400: 1/400 sec.: f/11
We were walking back to the parking lot from Bridal Veil Falls when someone spotted this old house in the midst of trees.  It was across the river and we didn't have time to go explore so I just snapped a couple shots.  I didn't see the promise in composition until i was looking on the computer.  Unfortunately, I had left my camera with a small aperature and I felt the shot really called for a large aperature.  I used photoshop to add the depth of field.  It was my first time doing this, and although I don't think it looks nearly as natural, I think it kind of adds a cool effect.

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