
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sunrise from Steptoe Butte

October 30, 2014
Steptoe, Washington
Nikon D3100: Tamron 18-270 at 42 mm: ISO 200: 1/6 sec.: f/11
Finally, I got around to editing something besides barns!  I started my first morning in the Palouse by shooting the sunrise from Steptoe Butte.  True to my luck, the sunrise was very underwhelming.  Excited and not being able to sleep, I left the house nearly an hour early and found myself atop Steptoe Butte in the dark trying to decide where the sun would eventually rise.  I was not ready for the fierce wind and bitter cold.  It was a miserable couple hours spent on top of the butte waiting for something worth shooting.  When the sun finally did come out, it was hidden behind clouds and I never even got a view of it and the surrounding colors were underwhelming.  This was my best sunrise photo of the morning.  Luckily, the light did reveal some beautiful fields that I shot before leaving the made the hours in the cold almost worth it.

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