
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Five most Popular Photos

I have hit the 5,000 visitor mark on this blog so I am going to post my 5 most popular photos based strictly on the number of views they have gotten.  I did my 3 most popular when I hit 3,000.  You can check that post out here and you will see those have all been replaced by newer photos.

Coming in at number 5: A photo of Downtown Wallace.  I must have posted this on a popular day, because it is far from one of my favorites!  You can see the details of this shot here.

Coming in at number 4: The result of a long day shooting in Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada.  This is the popular fire wave that will catch the reflection of the sunset if you are lucky.  You can see the details of this photo here.

Coming in at number 3: A more recent shot of the Coeur d'Alene River in Northern Idaho.  This wasn't even my favorite shot of that day, but it became quite popular.  You can see the details of this photo here.

Coming in at number 2: Another shot of the Coeur d'Alene river taken a couple days before the shot above.  You can see the details of this photo here.

Coming in at number 1: By a far margin, this shot of Khao Kanab Nam in Krabi, Thailand has been my most popular photo.  This is due in large part to some traffic from being recognized by a Thai website.  You can see the details of this photo here.

It's been just over 5 months since I posted my 3 most popular.  I look forward to reaching 10,000 visitors in the next 5 months and posting my 10 most popular photos at that time!  At the end of the year, I will post my ten favorite photos from 2013 and I am pretty sure none of the photos in this post will make the cut.  In the meantime stop back often and I will post photos a few times a week.

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