
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Strip from the Stratosphere

Las Vegas, Nevada
August 10, 2013
Samsung ST200 at 70 mm: ISO 80: 1/250 sec.: f/4.60
I wanted to do something fun with my wife for our 5-year anniversary, but we didn't have a lot of options with a new-born baby.  Luckily my brother-in-law and his wife volunteered to watch our baby girl while we went to the Stratosphere.  We purchased a package with unlimited rides and buffets.  It was a really fun night, and even though one of the rides was shut down, we got our money's worth riding the other two rides four times each.  I didn't want to lug my camera up there, but I couldn't waste this awesome view so I used my wife's little camera to capture this.  You can check out my wife's fun blog about our night here.

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